⚜ Devlog: Electric Fog
This update is brought to you by git branching, hot drinks and popcorn.
I polished the fog that covers unseen and out-of-range map areas.
This was a good rewrite.
- overlay fog for seen areas and black out unseen areas
- separate move_player() and move_object(), to handle visible object in range better.
- fix the running path so relative resource paths work
- only trigger 'exit' and 'message' actions with direct interaction
- refactor method names to match PEP8
- add floating game messages
- add exit portal animation
- allow map-level overwrites of character stats
you can now override ai modes and behaviour on a map level for nicer level immersion.
- resize game window to 600x600 pixels
it now fits onto netbook screens
- polished the computer terminal screen
add a microchip animated tile
ai now have movement speeds. can you outrun them...?
added a list of computer controlled movement behaviours:
- random: moves in random directions.
- magnet: moves towards the player while in sight.
- updown: patrols up and down, turning around when blocked.
- leftright: patrols left and right, turning around when blocked.
- sniffer: follows the player's scent if on the trail.
these can be stacked, so a 'updown, magnet' will patrol and then move toward you if you get too close.
update story dialogue texts
- allow multiple empty lines
- supports dialogue color per line by defining a tuple like ((r, g, b), "dialogue line here"). lines that are just strings will display with the default color.
- you can have 'friend' AI types
checks collisions for stacked objects including triggers
cannot close doors if something is blocking the doorway.
walking into walls and triggering switches counts as a turn.