⚜ Complog Day 7
The last day is here. We still need to implement all the player special abilities, and create all the map levels and code in the storyline, and combat balancing.
What got done
Game state and map rendering, player and random npc movement. Game dialogs and basic melee combat.
Where I failed
Field of vision, npc path finding, many maps (pre-built maps, not generated), storyline, balancing npc stats, special player abilities, upgrading player abilities.
What I discovered
My previous 2 entries used ascii symbols, this allowed for more time working on the code. I spent much time pixeling the tileset. I love pixel drawings but admittedly suck at them.
pygame supports playing .s3m, .xm, .it, .mod files :]
you can get away with sleeping 1 hour power naps every 6 hours over 48 hours (or longer)